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Your dose of fitness, health and wellbeing information with Han.

Chats with Han – Kelly Hutton

Kelly shares about her Cancer journey, how she had cancer twice and had a goal to bike the length of Nz (while she actually had cancer for the third time…

Chats with Han – Laura McGoldrick

Laura McGoldrick talks about how she needed to find her rhythm with exercise. It's a love/hate relationship and how she got her groove back. Laura speaks about having a balanced…

How To Fuel Your Body Throughout Your Cycle

Let's talk about fueling your body throughout your menstrual cycle. From exercise tips that match your mood swings to tasty recipes that satisfy those cravings, we've got you covered.

Nutty PB Porridge

Warm the soul every morning with this delicious Nutty PB Porridge. Perfect for those in their Luteal phase.
Scrambled eggs

Leafy Greens Omelette

Get your dose of protein and iron with this scrumptious Leafy Greens Omelette. Perfect for those in their Menstruation phase.

Banana Brekkie Smoothie

Need a morning pick me up? Try this yummy Banana Brekkie Smoothie. Perfect for those in their Ovulation phase.
Han yoga pose

Cycle Syncing Your Workouts

Syncing your workouts with your menstrual cycle can reduce PMS symptoms, improve sleep quality, boost confidence, and enhance overall health.

Chats with Han – Sharyn Casey

talks about her busy life with Radio, Dancing with the stars and motherhood... She shares about finding a balance as a busy mum and learning where you can let go. Also…
Han Romano – Blog Template (2)

Comfort Food Makeovers

It’s natural for our cravings to shift towards comforting and hearty foods, here are some healthy and delicious tips to try
Yoghurt Chicken Curry copy

Yoghurt Chicken Curry

This delicious yoghurt chicken curry is fast, simple and a super healthy alternative to the favourite butter chicken.